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The role of sleep
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Some doctors asked me if my tinnitus were stronger during the night or in the course of the day. For a long time, it was difficult for me to find sleep. Sometimes it took me several hours before falling asleep.I was often drowsing and I was rarely sleeping deeply and may even say never.. When I could sleep 4 hours at a stretch, it was for me a great victory. Thus for years I did not dream any more; at least I did not remember if I had dreamed when awaking in the morning. Thereafter in my experimental phase of adjustment of the splint, I could have quiet nights where I slept very deeply. These nights made reconciled me with the dreaming world. You must have been prone to lack of sleep to appreciate the benefits of it. Be dreamless, is to be private of some part of your life. Dreaming is going every night on vacation for some fantastic and unknown destinations, provided these dreams are not nightmares!

After a deep sleep, a good amount of my tinnitus disappeared, in my head were much less noise. In the contrary, when I spent my nights drowsing, tinnitus in the course of the day were unbearable. My hearing aids had the capacity to mask some tinnitus and I must acknowledge that they were for me of an invaluable help before I manage to act on my posture. Sleeping can prove difficult due to the position which one takes to sleep. According to whether your jaw is badly centered or too in withdrawal, some disorders can develop. The jaw and the spinal column function in symbiosis. One acts on the other. If your bed linen is unsatisfactory that will create negative repercussions over the spinal column and by extension, on the jaw. The vicious circle will settle gradually and generate unverifiable disorders. The following web links can clarify the problems rising from a bad quality of the sleep.

We all suffer or have suffered at one time or another in our existence from sleep disorders. But we are not all equal in front of these disorders. The subject is, I think, well documented but for my part I questioned myself about the role of my bed in my existence since I became aware that my concern worsened the night. It is important to sleep well for growing well. That appears obvious but how much parents really worry to regularly change the mattress of their children. I arrived in France at 9 years old. In Guadeloupe, I remember that I slept on a bed whose base was entirely of wood and without a proper mattress, the bed was making up of clothing playing the role of the mattress. My sleep at that time was deep and I do not remember to have suffered from any particular health issue. My hearing was also perfect. In France, I slept all my youth on beds made up of spring wire base with a foam mattress which gave me more the impression to be in a hammock than in a bed. With the proper perspective, I think that I slept better without mattress and spring base!





With adolescence, I started to often feel tired and to have frequent headaches. In my case, my bed linens of bad qualities were not the determining factor of my tinnitus, but one can consider that they contributed to worsen them. My disorder of dental articulated, as the dentists say, is by far responsible of my problems.

I frequently noted that my cardiac rhythm changed according to my position in the bed. In my opinion, tinnitus are due to compression of cranial nerves. The diversity of the symptoms which one can feel comes owing to the fact that several cranial nerves are in the periphery of the condyle. It may result that this compression is done in an indirect way but the important is to understand that this compression is carried out. Indeed for me it is a matter of fact that the auditory canal wall is directly put under pressure and that could be an additional source of hearing problems but not the only cause of these hearing health problems. To minimize this compression, it is necessary to avoid sleeping with a pillow, at least it must be adapted. At the time one sleeps lengthened on the back with a pillow, the mandible tends to move back and that increases compression of cranial nerves. A compression of the trigeminal nerve will cause a partial paralysis of the jaw muscles, difficulties for breathing and pains on the eye-level could be felt. Breathing with the nose can be more difficult on the right or on the left because of a more marked compression of the condyle on the side concerned.

The cardiac disorders of which I was victim when compression was very strong could be explained by a pressure on the pneumogastric nerve. By tackling the problem under a nervous angle, the disparity of the symptoms of which I was victim could find an explanation. The nape ache which is propagated in all the spinal column can come from a compression of the spinal nerves. Accordingly this may be done via muscle which may be triggered by bad nervous signals.


My knowledges in anatomy is these of a layman and the kinematics of the releasing of these disorders could take more complicated ways. But so simplistic my reasoning is, thanks to it I came back from deep abyss.

To conclude on the bed linen it appears essential to me to invest in a bed and a mattress which will maintain the spinal column as well as possible. All the disorders related on the occlusion and to the bad alignment of the vertebrae should not be considered in an isolated way but should be included in a set of problems. The resolution of these problems passes by an appropriation of their mechanism of establishment at the same time by the doctors but especially by the people who suffer from it. That can appear inconceivable but a depressive state, deafness, difficulties of concentrating and respiratory problems can have the same origin: our jaw bad position!