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Internet was capital in the understanding of my disease. The advantage of working in data processing is to have permanently access to the World Wide Web network. From there, I started to widen my horizons and I noted that I was far from being an isolated case. I took an active part in forums on the subject of tinnitus. Each one exchanged its tricks to fight against this abomination. It is what led me to consult an osteopath because these experts, specialists of the body frame had apparently the gift of attenuating tinnitus with the only use of their hand ! I was skeptical because according to my knowledge since two thousand years, nobody had competed with the Christ!

The first osteopath that I consulted was in a town wish name is Le Raincy. Living recently in the neighborhood, I had chosen the nearest therapist. Le Raincy had the reputation to shelter the middle-class of the “nine three” because of its many villas of which some had a swimming pool. The prices of the apartments could reach those practiced in Paris. Having exposed my tinnitus and hypoacusia problems, the osteopath lapped on his computer to find a definition of hypoacusia accompanied by a homeopathic list of drugs corresponding to this symptom. Obviously, the purpose of the operation was to impress me because he felt a certain satisfaction when he informed me of the definition. We finally came in the main subject. He started a series of handling aiming at restoring my balance. At the end of its handling, I felt no relief. He prescribed me some homeopathic drugs and ensured me that in approximately ten days I will be relieved from my tinnitus.

The second osteopath that I consulted exerted in Lille. With a particularly well documented Internet site on the malocclusion, he could only be an expert on the matter.

After having exposed my problem and shown my radios to him, the therapist pointed out to me that I throbbed my body from right to left and that could mean and unbalance. A fast examination enables him to confirm his statement by declaring me that I had the basin lower on one side and that I had according to him a true short leg…