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He is the specialist in the ear and the nose disorders. He is supposed being the right man for the job. It really took me a month before deciding to go consulting one of them. At the beginning my tinnitus sat only at the very bottom of my right ear. It was a small very weak but nevertheless awkward acute sound as can be a mosquito which undertook to harass you twenty four hours out of twenty four. But this mosquito there did not take any rest in its nasty game and played of an instrument whose single note seriously started to type on my nerves. Thus arrived in the cabinet of our specialist, I explain my case to him. Before deciding, he makes me pass a test of hearing. This test reveals that I have an important loss on the acute frequencies. He questions me on the port of the walkman (at that time MP3 reader was not even imagined yet). I answer that it sometimes happens to me to listen to a little music to support the length of the transport leading me to the university, but not on a very high level considering the walkman in question was rather bottom-of-the-range having consequently a weak amplification. Obviously at twenty-three years old like much young people of my age I use to attend parties where the noise level plank sometimes to unbearable tonality. This declaration made was taken as consent of culpability and was immediately sentenced:

“Sir, you damaged your ears because you misused too much the walkman and the noisy places, you are completely unconscious!”

There, the reproach is brutal and the discounted effect is not made wait, I feel guilty!

However I retort timidly that I listen to the walkman only occasionally with a reasonable volume and I do not understand why I can be victim of a sound trauma which spare my friends who for the majority of them go more often in parties than I.

The answer is without appeal:

“Sir, we do not all have the same tolerance to noise!”