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It is perhaps the most alarming symptom but the experiment taught me that it is better not to speak to much about it in front of the medical community if it is not a GP or a cardiologist. When dealing with TMJ, i.e. disorders which occurs in a narrow and well established correlation with many other symptoms, it does little doubt that the problem will be solved at the same time as the others. Difficulty is that if you explain to your dentist that you are convinced that the bad position of your jaw generates so intense pushes of tiredness that even your heart does not seem to beat correctly any more, there is a big chance that he will show you the door and will wish you good luck for the search for a cure somewhere else.

According to my observations, when the jaw is in marked over-occlusion (in my case, that results in an excess of height to the bottom of the left side), it results it intense tiredness and pains which are diffused in the shoulder and in the left arm. Even a good sleep does not prevent from feeling destroyed by tiredness during the day. Following this tiredness, the heart is subjected to frequent palpitations and peaks of fulgurating pains occur to.

These cardiac problems appear under the same conditions as the aggravation of my other symptoms (hearing losses, tinnitus, loss of concentration, etc). My body seems to be packed in spite of my efforts to keep a good posture, my jaw is contracted and I cannot entirely open it. With the opening, the mandible seems to butt against an obstacle on the level of the right condyle. At the time of blocking I feel nausea; I have a feeling of giddiness and have the impression of rocking on the right-sided.

When this state occurs, the simple fact of carrying out some movements aiming at realigning my vertebrae improves of all my symptoms.